Vitebsk region hosts Commercial Counselor Day
11 November 2023

The annual meeting of foreign diplomatic corps representatives – Commercial Counselor Day – was organized by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. More than thirty representatives of the diplomatic missions of 18 countries accredited in Belarus visited the Vitebsk region.

In the Belarusian northern capital, representatives of the trade and economic services of foreign embassies had a busy introductory program with a visit to the Vitstroytekhmash enterprise and the Vitebsk Meat Processing Plant, where foreign guests were presented with the products and the companies' export opportunities for future trade cooperation.

According to the established tradition, diplomats laid flowers to the Memorial Complex "To the Liberators of Vitebsk – Soviet Soldiers, Partisans and Underground Workers", located in Vitebsk, on the largest Victory Square in Belarus.

Commercial counselors continued their acquaintance with the potential of the Vitebsk region and its enterprises at a meeting in the regional executive committee. Alexander Subbotin, the Chairman, informed the diplomats about the region's capabilities, its investment and export resources. After that, representatives of trade and economic services of foreign embassies had B2B negotiations with the Vitebsk region businessmen.

The Commercial Counselor Day of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been in its tenth edition this year. As the BelCCI Chairman Mikhael Miatlikov noted, this is a unique event that allows presenting the economic, tourist and cultural potential of the Belarusian regions to foreign diplomatic missions. "This year Vitebsk has welcomed guests with warm weather and warm hearts. I am pleased that we have once again gathered such a representative group of diplomats who, like us, were preparing and waiting for this meeting. I am confident that, as before, it will serve to expand the partnership of our enterprises and promote domestic exports," the head of the BelCCI said.
