The event "Day with the BelCCI: promoting FEZ residents", which has already been successfully held in Vitebsk, Brest and Grodno, was hosted by Mogilev. The project of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was realized jointly with the Administration of the Free Economic Zone "Mogilev".
The Day with the BelCCI was opened by Denis Meleshkin, Deputy Chairman of the BelCCI, Pavel Marinenko, Head of the Mogilev FEZ Administration, and Gennady Cherny, Director General of the Mogilev Branch of the BelCCI. In their reports, the speakers detailed on the areas of work realized with due regard to the interests of FEZ residents.
Then the experts of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and enterprises – residents of FEZ "Mogilev" addressed the participants. Much attention was paid to the legal mechanisms of overcoming the impact of sanctions on the companies' economic activity, rules and nuances of the settlement of foreign economic disputes in arbitration, as well as the peculiarities of international trade transactions regulation.
In addition, the issues of customs and tariff regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union, certification, expertise, property assessment, energy saving, current tools for attracting investments were discussed.
Special attention was paid to the issues of expanding cooperation with the People's Republic of China and new opportunities for trade with the PRC. Mechanisms of financial interaction with China were also presented.