В2В negotiations on supply of Far Eastern products to Belarus
16 July 2021

On July 16, 2021 Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized the participation of Russian companies LLC “Dalniy Vostorg” and Company “BeeDzen” in online negotiations with the customs representative of Beltamozhservice-Mogilev.

The purpose of the negotiations is the sale of LLC “Dalniy Vostorg” and Company “BeeDzen”.

LLC “Dalniy Vostorg” presented a range of Far Eastern herbal teas under trademark SUGREV. Company BeeDzen presented an assortment of exclusive Far East honey. The parties determined the range of products for presentation and sale on the territory of the Republic of Belarus through the retail chain of Beltamozhservice stores.

Mogilev branch of the BelCCI provides a wide range of services on finding potential business partners in Belarus and abroad. The search for business partners takes place on an individual basis, as well as taking into account the interests and tasks of this particular company.

You can receive more detailed information by phone / fax +375 (222) 77 80 34, +375 447 35 00 30 (A1), e-mail: krasovskaya@cci.by.
